Altruist Financial Advisors LLC

Fee-Only Investment Management

Commodity Futures Funds

Commodity Futures are attractive as diversifiers: they tend to have stock-like returns, but tend to be relatively uncorrelated with other asset classes. In fact, Commodity Futures is the best diversifier known to us. For more information about Commodity Futures, see here.

There are several very similar investment options available. Which is best?

The funds are listed in rough order of our overall preference.

Preferences are listed separately for use in retirement accounts and for taxable accounts.

For a listing of our preferences in other asset classes, see here.

Retirement Accounts (i.e., tax-deferred or tax-exempt accounts)

Taxable Accounts

You generally should not hold commodities futures in a taxable account. The asset class is very tax-inefficient. However, if you did, our preference would be nearly the same as for a retirement account. The only difference would be more preference for DBC, because the gains from its futures contracts are treated as being 60% long-term capital gains.

Some suggest that one of the ETNs might make a good choice in a taxable account. Even if it weren't for their unacceptably high credit risk, we judge that there is significant question regards their tax efficiency. It MAY be the case that they are spectacularly tax-efficient (they don't make any payouts until maturity, so if you hold it for at least one year, 100% of any profits you make are taxed at the preferentially low long-term gains tax rate). HOWEVER, while the IRS hasn't ruled specifically on this issue, it has ruled on taxation of one particular type of ETN—currency ETNs (Rev. Rul. 2008-1). And the IRS ruling was that currency ETNs did not get the favorable tax treatment that ETN issuers brag about for ETNs in general. We wouldn't be surprised if the taxation of other ETNs follows the precedent that the IRS set for currency ETNs.

This web page contains the current opinions of Eric E. Haas at the time it is written—and such opinions are subject to change without notice. This web page is intended to serve two purposes:

We believe the information provided here to be useful and accurate at the time it is written. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed.

No investor should invest solely on the basis of information listed here. Before investing, it is important to consult each prospective investment's prospectus and consider both its risk/return characteristics and its effect on your overall portfolio.

This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax, legal, or investment planning advice. Where specific advice is necessary or appropriate, Altruist recommends consultation with a qualified tax adviser, CPA, financial planner, or investment adviser. If you would like to discuss the rationale or support for any particular idea expressed on this web page, feel free to contact us.